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Transit Astrology Report (Digital PDF)

An astrological forecasting report which let you move back and forth, effortlessly, through time (looking back on special events can be as enlightening as looking forward).


Having a written report gives you a timeless artifact that you can always reference going forward when needed. Think of this report as a strategic planning document to help you anticipate the energies of the upcoming time period. 


*This report is based in Western Astrology*


This report can come in 3, 6, and 12 month time periods. The cost is the same for digital reports.


Cost of a mailed printed report will vary depending on the duration chosen. Extra cost covers printing, shipping and handling.

Transit Astrology Report (Digital PDF)

    1. Coordinate systems include Geocentric, Heliocentric, and Right Ascension, including Geo or Helio Processed.
    2. Choose between either the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac.
    3. Comprehensive Transits — select from a range of planets
    4. Major progressions and directions — eight forms of major progressions and directions are available: Secondary, Solar Arc, Degree-for-a-year, Naibod Arc, Ascendant Arc, Vertical Arc, Quotidian #1, Quotidian #2. The two available forms of minor progressions are: Minor and Tertiary. You can select major and minor progressions in the same report.
    5. Eclipse information — solar and lunar eclipse to natal aspects in a selectable orb.
    6. Optional house and sign ingresses — Transit to House, Transit to Sign, Major Progressed House, Major Progressed Sign, Minor Progressed House, or Minor Progressed Sign.

By Appointment Only

Mon-Fri: 10AM to 430PM

Sat-Sun: Closed


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534 NE E St.

Grants Pass, OR. 97526

Phone: 541-300-6100

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